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Schulman Bhattacharya Client Released From Unlawful Detention in Mogadishu, Somalia and Regains Full Access to His Property

Apr 02

Schulman Bhattacharya, LLC was engaged by Malik Abdalla, a United States citizen residing in Mogadishu, Somalia, to represent him in response to his unlawful detention by local authorities. Early last month, Mr. Abdalla was removed from his home at gunpoint and held without charges and without any rational basis for charges. The matter arose out of a commercial real estate dispute.

Under sustained pressure from Schulman Bhattacharya, Mr. Abdalla has now been released from custody and he has been permitted to return to his property near the airport in Mogadishu. Jeremy W. Schulman, Managing Member of Schulman Bhattacharya, stated: “We are delighted that the local authorities in Mogadishu heeded our calls to immediately release Malik Abdalla from his illegal and unwarranted detention, and we are pleased that he has been allowed to return to the property where he lives and works. We expect that the matter giving rise to these illegal actions is now considered fully resolved, and Mr. Abdalla will not endure any further harassment or mistreatment. We will continue to monitor closely the situation on the ground in Somalia to ensure Mr. Abdalla’s continuing safety and well being.”